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11 résultats
Canada is among the most expensive countries in the developed economy world for broadband Internet services.
"Your Google Fiber account is for your use and the reasonable use of your guests. Unless you have a written agreement with Google Fiber permitting you do so, you should not host any type of server using your Google Fiber connection.
Must-read: "The answer to (...) Usage Based Billing lies with Google, Amazon, Netflix, Apple" via @BillStArnaud
Livestream Calls Out Ustream and Justin.tv for Profiting Off of Piracy #streaming #copyright #policy
Nous proposons la mise en place de "radars de surveillance" en extrémité de réseaux qui soient gérés par une nouvelle autorité indépendante qui pourrait dépendre des forces de police ou de gendarmerie. Cela permettrait d'avoir des la première inf
Last year, we created about 161 exabytes of digital information. But by 2010, we might produce as much as 988 exabytes of data.