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360 liens privés
21 résultats
Pas de partage des données scientifiques = pas de subvention #Europe #recherche #openknowledge #open data
1% folks are good at building priviledges that 99% struggle to dismantle. #open #democracy ≩ #postdemocracy
@fharper #Open bless you! Keep on track with your latest talks ;-)
Beyond #crowdfunding: Funding strategies for the #open world @ SENSORICA Fridays Meetup
Share and reuse open source software, semantic assets and other interoperability solutions for public administrations.
RT @Hoedic: Oh boy, mon billet dans @qcouvert sur le portail de données largement commenté par @FabienDeglise #open ...
Better than the #iPhone 5! RT @sebprovencher: Bell will sell the Galaxy Nexus in Canada #open #innovation