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The official youtube channel of Darth Putin KGB and Katsiaryna (Katie) Shmatsina. Join us & guests as we discuss denials, why it's going to plan, and of cou...
For more than a decade, the United States has nurtured a secret intelligence partnership with Ukraine that is now critical for both countries in countering Russia.
The United States has a much higher stake in Russia's war on Ukraine than most people think. A Russian conquest of all of Ukraine is by no means impossible if the United States cuts off all military assistance and Europe follows suit. Such an outcome
Around 250 blue Stars of David - similar to the one on the Israeli flag - appeared on Paris buildings.
The broader consequences of the Ukrainian counter-offensive
Why do Russians seem to believe the Kremlin that Ukraine needs to be “denazified”? It may turn on the post-Soviet understanding of what a “Nazi” is.
The database “PUTIN'S LIST” is created by the Free Russia Forum in order to search, consolidate and unify data on those responsible for creating and running a system of unchecked power and suppressing civil liberties both in Russia and abroad.
In Germany some are clamouring for a change in course on Ukraine. Key figures in the campaign have links to the Russian state or far right, a Reuters investigation has found.
@yermolenko_v: (…) This can help us understand what's going on. The Russian "worldview". A thread.
« Au début, il y avait surtout des jeunes soldats (russes). Puis, deux semaines plus tard, il y en a eu d’autres. Plus âgés, ils avaient plus de 40 ans. Ils étaient brutaux. Ils ont maltraité tout le monde. Et c’est là que les massacres ont commencé »
Dans sa guerre contre l'Ukraine, l'armée russe s'appuie aussi sur ses brigades du web, des trolls qui ont pour mission d'influencer l'opinion publique en Russie, en Ukraine et à l'étranger. Même pour un œil averti, il est souvent presque impossible de distinguer le vrai du faux sur les réseaux sociaux, ce qui fait partie de la stratégie de désinformation de Poutine, comme l'explique David Chavalarias, chercheur au CNRS et auteur du livre Toxic Data.
German right-wing extremists are receiving paramilitary training in St. Petersburg, Russia, according to a new report by news magazine Focus. Who is running the training, and what do we know about the participants?
Dans un texte revisitant l’histoire russe — récente et ancienne — Vladimir Sorokine, le grand romancier russe, décrypte la transformation de Vladimir Poutine, “ce bel homme plein de vivacité”, en “monstre impérial”.
DoD's Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program, executed by DTRA, aims to peacefully reduce biological threats around the globe but certain countries try to falsely undermine and discredit the program's efforts to do so.